Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Eva's 15 Month Update

Eva turns 15 months old today! We are out of the baby days and full steam ahead for toddlerhood. She is constantly on the go, into everything that she can get her hands on and is a contender for world’s fastest crawler. It’s such an exciting time and so far it’s been my favourite stage. I’m feeling a little bit sad that she’s becoming more independent every day but it’s making me so proud to see her grow and learn.


The last month, more specifically week has been a major breakthrough. Eva is now consistently using ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada’ for when she sees us or wants to be held by us. She is also using ‘Stop’ for when she doesn’t want something, which happens quite a bit! We’ve noticed that she is making much more considered decisions and learning from consequences. When she drops something she says, ‘Uh oh’ and puts her hand to her mouth in shock, it’s so sweet. Eva is also becoming much calmer when we are reading books too and seems interested in the story now. Before she would grab at the books and crawl away uninterested but we’ve worked on getting her engaged with the book and have found flap books to be great source of fun!

Eva has been standing independently for a few months now and in the past month has gotten really good at walking when we hold her hand. She is really confident with bending down and picking up items and is so steady now. However she really hasn’t attempted to start walking independently. When we beckon her to walk towards us, she just looks bemused! At the moment she is more than happy to cruise about the room holding on to furniture to steady herself with one hand. We are trying to encourage her by popping her down on her feet after being held as opposed to being sat. We also take her for walks at every opportunity and she absolutely loves it. Plus we are giving lots of praise when she walks. It is a bit worrying as most of Eva’s peers are walking however I’m really not worried as I know she will get there, she just needs some confidence that she can do it by herself.

This month I’ve really noticed that Eva is closely following the wonder weeks leaps. I bought the book when Eva was a few months old but I didn’t follow it too much. However I noticed that Eva was getting extremely frustrated quite easily since around September time. I wasn’t sure if this change in mood was due to the changes in routine and me going back to work or something developmentally. According to this leap Eva is experiencing a need for boundaries and is testing them through having tantrums. Once I was able to read about why this was happening it gave me the ability to understand have more patience with dealing with these little outbursts. I must say though I am happy that she’s 5 days away from the leap ending and I can see she is much happier!


Since I went back to work in August we’ve had to have a pretty structured routine otherwise we’d never get anything done! Eva wakes up between 6.30-7am most days. Mondays and Fridays are nursery days so she has breakfast there and is dropped off for 8am. Tuesdays and Thursdays are her days with her grandma so she’s popped into her car at 7am in her pjs and brought over there. Eva’s grandma totally spoils her so she has more clothes and toys there than she does at home! But it is handy as it means I don’t have to pack anything in the morning. On Wednesdays she has a day at home with Luke where they do fun activities like swimming or going to soft play. We are still on two naps a day, one around three hours after she wakes up and one around 2.30pm. I tried to reduce it to one nap a day to make bed time easier but Eva was getting so over tired by 5pm and it really wasn’t fair on her. Plus I really believe that sleep breeds sleep as even if she naps until 3.30pm it may take her a bit longer to get to sleep in the evening but she stays asleep for longer.

A rule that we implemented over the past few weeks was no screen time an hour before bed. I was finding that she was very over stimulated when it came to bed time. So instead we swapped in the night garden for a bath with some bubbles and nursery rhymes. It’s a lovely way to spend time with Eva throughout the week when I don’t get much due to working full time! We’ve found that this has really helped with keeping her relaxed and in turn has made the 7pm bedtime much smoother. Some nights we do find that its harder to get her to sleep but mostly she is usually down by 7.30pm. We are still co-sleeping as there has been so much upheaval recently and we are finding that we are all having a much better night’s sleep when she’s in with us rather than her cot. I’m pretty happy with our routine at the moment, it seems to be working quite well for Eva and means we get some time in the evening to drink cups of tea and actually have a grown up conversation!


Getting Eva onto food has been a labour of love. If she had her way she would eat yoghurt and sweetcorn for the rest of her life. On the days at home we have porridge with banana or raspberries for breakfast followed by some toast. I notice that breakfast is her favourite and the meal which she tends to eat the most of. She has lunch about 12 and that’s usually a sandwich, fruit and yoghurt. Then a snack around 2pm followed by dinner at 4.30/5pm. Eva is eating a mostly vegetarian diet purely as she doesn’t really like meat. She will eat cod and prawns but really doesn’t like chicken or ham. Recently Eva has really gone off drinking water so we are diluting some organic apple juice with water which seems to be working quite well. We also use these cups which are the only ones I’ve found which don’t leak in the nappy bag!

This Month’s Favourites 

· Play ideas from Amy Jayne and Baby found here

· These cashmere leggings from Zara, the softest material and it washes so well

· My new favourite skirt from Marks and Spencer

· Eva’s new love of giving me hugs

· Watching Stacey Dooley’s documentaries

· Our Airbnb holiday to Bristol, a perfect break with the family and finally, this picture!!



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